Upcoming events 👇
December 9 Statehouse Demonstration
It's past time that Ohio lawmakers repeal ALL of HB 6!
Law makers must pass the bipartisan SB 117 and HB 351, which would repeal the coal bailouts AND provide a refund to Ohio consumers -- not to mention help reverse some of the damage done by the corrupt HB 6.
What:Â Demonstration to repeal OVEC coal plant bailouts by passing SB 117 and HB 351
Where:Â High Street sidewalk at the Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215
When:Â Noon to 1pm, Thursday December 9
Bring your home made signs, dress in festive holiday attire, bring friends and neighbors! If we get 240 people, standing 10 feet apart, we can surround Capitol Square and really make a statement!
Past event highlights 👇
Duke Energy Accountability Coalition webinar
Please join us and the Duke Energy Accountability Coalition for a free public webinar to hear from leading advocates for environmental and social justice who will testify to how Duke Energy's policies and practices have polluted and financially punished its low-income ratepayers and communities of color throughout its vast six-state service area.
Location: Online webinar
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021
Time: 9:30-11:00 a.m. EST
Moving Forward on Ohio Energy Issues in 2021: HB 6 and Beyond
What’s next for HB6? Will the tainted law be repealed, and why is Ohio’s energy policy so riddled with corruption? What’s next for sustainable, equitable energy efforts beyond HB6? Get the inside scoop and ideas for action from two leading experts.
Utility Corruption Town Hall
Ohio Citizen Action Grassroots Power Push
We're asking for YOUR help this Thanksgiving Eve. On Thanksgiving Eve November 25th, 2020 at 2:55 PM EST Ohio Citizen Action will publish an important video message. This message will detail some of the work OCA does and serve as a fundraising vehicle to help us meet our year-end fundraising goal. The goal of this Push Page is to sign up 200 supporters to receive a text message with a link to this video on our Facebook page at 3 PM est on Thanksgiving Eve and immediately share that video. It's simple- we figure your friends and social network care about clean air and water, good government and equitable energy solutions just like you. When you share our message and add a kind comment, it boosts our reach far beyond where we can get without you.
Click here to learn more and opt-in with your cell number to receive our People Push text at 3 PM EST on Thanksgiving Eve and you can immediately share our video message. This will be the only notification you'll receive for this Push and your personal information will be erased afterwards. THANK YOU!Â
Public hearing for HB 6
We and our allies are putting together a series of virtual public hearings for the community to tell our legislators why we need HB 6 repealed. You can watch all the hearings recorded live on our #RepealHB6Â youtube channel.
Meeting the Energy Needs: Today and Tomorrow
No Shutoffs car rally
In the middle of a pandemic, utility companies are still shutting off people's water, power, and internet, and our elected leaders are letting it happen. Across the country, state governments and public utilities commissions have taken action to end shutoffs so that no one will be without such basic necessities, but in Ohio our leaders are continuing to let utilities like FirstEnergy dictate our statewide policies at the expense of thousands of Ohio residents. On September 26th, a coalition to extend the utility moratorium came together and surrounded the Ohio Statehouse in their cars to demand protection against utility shutoffs. You can watch the speakers on OCA's facebook live here.
Call to action with Rachael Belz - Repeal HB 6
On September Ohio Citizen Action Executive Director discusses what actions must be taken to #RepealHB6 in Ohio. Rachael Belz explains in detail and depth every piece of corruption that played in to the passage of House Bill 6. Watch the hour-long video below, or find it on our youtube channel.Â
Conversations with Rachael Belz - Earth Day 50th Anniversary
April 22, 2020 Special guest Keya Chatterjee of the U.S. Climate Action Network and Ohio Citizen Action Executive Director Rachael Belz discuss COVID-19, organizing, and climate justice to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Find it on youtube!