December 9 statehouse demonstration

Thursday, December 09, 2021 at 12:00 PM


It's past time that Ohio lawmakers repeal ALL of HB 6!

They have a golden opportunity to do that by ending the consumer bailout of the two outdated, polluting OVEC coal plants -- one of which is in Indiana. This coal giveaway was added at the last minute to HB 6’s nuclear bailout (already repealed), and is costing Ohio consumers $233,000 every day. 

Law makers must pass the bipartisan SB 117 and HB 351, which would repeal the coal bailouts AND provide a refund to Ohio consumers -- not to mention help reverse some of the damage done by the corrupt HB 6.

What: Demonstration to repeal OVEC coal plant bailouts by passing SB 117 and HB 351

Where: High Street sidewalk at the Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215

When: Noon to 1pm, Thursday December 9

Bring your home made signs, dress in festive holiday attire, bring friends and neighbors! If we get 240 people, standing 10 feet apart, we can surround Capitol Square and really make a statement!

Parking locations:

Ohio Statehouse Parking Garage
Huntington Center Garage
Columbus Commons Underground Parking Garage
Columbus Commons Main Garage
Riffe Center Garage


RSVP today so we can get a good count!

If you can't make the event, you can still urge your legislators to pass HB 351 and SB 117! Send them an email here!