Our calls to remove FirstEnergy's name from Cleveland stadium have been heard
Momentum is building to take FirstEnergy's name off of the Browns' stadium. After Rep. Casey Weinstein, Rep. Jeff Crossman, and Rep. Kent Smith requested an inquiry, state utility regulators are launching an investigation into whether FirstEnergy Corp. wrongly used ratepayer money to buy naming rights to FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland.
Help us keep this alive on social media! Please speak your mind and tag @PUCOhio and the @Browns.

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP played a huge role in the passage of House Bill 6 by organizing lobbying efforts, setting up massive political donations, and even helping to write the scandal-ridden energy law, members of the firm wrote in sworn declarations released Tuesday night.
The firm billed FirstEnergy $67.9 million for the work.
Akin Gump’s attempts to lobby the US Department of Energy, FERC and Congress for a bailout ultimately failed so they advised "policy solutions at the state level" that included “bipartisan relationship building, messaging, advocacy, and bipartisan political contributions” not only with HB6 but with Ohio legislative races, the 2018 Ohio governor’s race — won by Republican Mike DeWine, who signed HB6 into law — and the elections for Ohio House speaker in 2018 and 2019.
In a sworn statement, one of the lobbyists stated that contributions to 501(c)(4)s like Generation Now affiliated with public officials like Larry Householder are "commonplace."
We are working to pass SB 117 and HB 351, the OVEC repeal

Thanks to the scandal-ridden House Bill 6, Ohio electricity customers will pay an estimated $1.8 BILLION through 2030 to subsidize the Ohio Valley Electric Coal plants (OVEC) ––Kyger Creek in Ohio, and Clifty Creek in Indiana.
Both bill's primary sponsors are Republicans; multiple other Republicans andDemocrats are supporting the bill; Governor DeWine stated he favors repealing all of HB6, which includes OVEC bailout; yet House Speaker Bob Cupp says that, "I don't think there's a lot of support for addressing those issues."
Help us prove him wrong!
An independent audit of the PUCO is needed

Both AEP and PUCO got to review and edit an "independent audit" of the OVEC coal plant subsidies that were part of the corrupt House Bill 6 before the audit was released.
Emails also show the commission wanted a "milder tone" on the auditor's conclusion: “Therefore, keeping the plants running does not seem to be in the best interest of the ratepayers.”
The PUCO also wanted "reduced subjectivity" & less detail on the auditor's statements about the HB 6 scandal & allegations about FirstEnergy and others.
The Plain Dealer editorial board called for an independent audit of state energy regulators following their handling of power plant bailout legislation and renewable energy projects while under the leadership of Sam Randazzo.
We need to trust our officials are adequately regulating the utilities, not regulating our ability to hold utilities accountable
We won't stop until this bill is repealed in full
Fighting corruption is not easy! Please contribute and help us root out this corrupt law once and for all.
Thanks for your help!

Ohio Citizen Action
P.S. Speaker Cupp says there is not a lot of support for removing OVEC coal subsidy. Let's prove him wrong! Please contact Ohio House
Call him: 614-466-9624 Send him an email: [email protected] , or go to http://repealhb6.com to write all your legislators.