Huge majorities of Ohioans support broad, convenient voting options
A resident waits in line to vote at a polling place. Photo by Scott Olson | Getty Images.
"Among the findings of the poll, which was conducted May 18-21:
- 89% favor allowing counties to expand the number of early in-person voting locations in each county.
- 87% said it’s important to provide in-person voting.
- 76% oppose reducing the number of in-person voting locations.
- 80% said the federal government should provide additional funding to states and counties to cover the increased costs of conducting elections due to the coronavirus pandemic.
- 85% said the state legislature should provide additional funding to counties to handle the increased costs of conducting elections due to the coronavirus outbreak.
'The poll provides very clear evidence that Ohioans value having options for casting a ballot in a way that works for them and their safety,' the Public Opinion Strategies memo said. 'Ohio voters also strongly believe that the state legislature and US Congress both should provide additional funding to cover the increased costs of conducting elections in the age of coronavirus.'"
-- Marty Schladen, Ohio Capital Journal