How Ohio’s Issue 1 could affect the rest of the country

What Ohio voters decide on Aug. 8 is likely to shape whether similar efforts to restrict ballot measures are brought in other states

WESTLAKE-- "As he went door-to-door on a recent afternoon in Westlake, a Cleveland suburb, Mike Todd found plenty of potential voters who didn’t know about the election.

'It’s kind of voter education,' said Todd, the field director for OCA. 'Making sure folks are aware that there’s even an election going on in August.'

States Newsroom and News 5 followed as Todd went door-to-door on a recent afternoon in Westlake, a Cleveland suburb. Plenty of potential voters said they didn’t know much about the election.

At each door, Todd introduced himself and described the measure as a threat to majority rule that would take power away from regular Ohioans and give it to politicians. Most people promised to study the literature he left and consider the issue."

-- Morgan Trau and Zachary Roth, Ohio Capital Journal

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