Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser FAQs

Why become a fundraiser?

You can magnify your own enthusiasm and effectiveness many times by fundraising to help with Ohio Citizen Action’s mission to transition our region away from dependence on coal and toward energy efficiency and renewable energy. One of OCA’s founding principles is the power of a strength-in-numbers strategy – together we can accomplish great things.

How does this work? Peer to peer fundraising basics

Peer to peer fundraising is a way to leverage the power of social networks to help causes you care about. If you’ve ever given to someone doing a walk/run for charity or a Kickstarter or GoFundMe campaign, you’ve probably already participated in one.

People set up personal and/or team fundraising pages through an online platform that provides secure giving options, tracks progress, sends automatic thank you messages and social media updates and generally takes care of all the logistics, so you can focus on asking for support. If you’ve set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account, you can easily set up a personal fundraising page.

What’s involved?

Decide how much you’d like to raise (most people choose either $250 or $500) and your deadline (some people start 3-4 weeks before their birthday or Earth Day). Then contact us at [email protected] for our fundraiser kit, which includes campaign talking points, info about the organization and helpful photos and links. Then the easiest way to fundraise is through Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund's Facebook page. Simply go to the page and click on "fundraisers" then "raise money" to start your fundraiser. 


Or you can use GoFundMe

You’ve got this!

Even if you’ve never fundraised before, you can do this. People you know have many reasons to support you: because they care about cleaner air, water and energy; because you’re giving them an easy way to address a tough problem; and because it’s YOU asking them. You can be a real hero, raising undesignated dollars that we can plug into the latest challenge or opportunity we face.

Think about it and let us know.