Pages tagged "Duke Energy"
After the pipeline's death, will Duke switch from gas to renewables?
Posted on Recent news by Lukas Oktaba · August 07, 2020 6:18 PM
The Duke Energy Accountability Coalition, of which Ohio Citizen Action is a member, is closely monitoring Duke’s schemes to suppress renewable energy options in its six-state service area (includes parts of southern Ohio), Duke’s deplorable environmental record as one of the nation’s leading emitters of greenhouse gases and producers of toxic coal ash, and its history of ignoring affordability issues for low-income customers.By Ildar Sagdejev (Specious) - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
"Next week, reporters, investors and industry analysts can ask the nation’s largest investor-owned electric utility for answers.
On Monday, Aug. 10, Duke will release its second-quarter financial results in a conference call with investors and analysts. Journalists are barred but can direct questions to Duke’s PR staff in Charlotte, N.C.
Grant Smith, senior energy policy advisor at EWG, said Duke must answer 'the $8 billion questions':
- Will you follow Dominion and other forward-looking utilities in turning away from additional financially foolish and environmentally harmful gas capacity and invest in clean, safe, efficient renewables and storage batteries?
- Do you see Duke’s plans to spend billions on new gas pipelines and power plants as an acceptable risk for your investors, and if so, how will you deal with the huge stranded costs of gas infrastructure that could be obsolete before they’re completed?"
-- Alex Formuzis, Environmental Working Group
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