Thank you for your interest in recording a personal video to be part of the Ohio Citizen Action “Crime with DeWine” accountability campaign.
We are excited to hear from Ohioans who are done with the culture of corruption that led to House Bill 6 and the largest bribery and racketeering scandal in our state’s history. Below you will find some talking points, questions, and tips and tricks to get you started.
Message points and questions to consider when preparing the content of your video:
- For years, Governor DeWine has had the power to oppose the House Bill 6 coal subsidies and make changes at the PUCO, yet no actions have been taken.
- Ohioans deserve better than what we got with Sam Randazzo as the former Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. But we also deserve better than wondering what the DeWine Administration knew about the FirstEnergy bribery scheme and when they knew it.
- Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted have created a culture in Ohio where utilities are in control of politics and policy. It is time to bring an end to business as usual.
- The system is broken, and Governor DeWine is not stepping up to fix it.
- Sam Randazzo received $4.3 million from FirstEnergy just weeks before becoming the top utility regulator in the state. Yet Governor DeWine continues to defend picking him as PUCO Chairman. So what does a PUCO Commissioner have to do before Governor DeWine would regret picking them?
- Ohio consumers continue to pay to subsidize old, dirty coal plants (one in Indiana) on our bill every single month. If he does not support this, why won’t Governor DeWine fight for us and work to repeal them?
- Why is Mike DeWine still choosing to defend those at the heart of the House Bill 6 scandal rather than standing up for Ohioans?
- Governor DeWine and Lt. Gov Husted–will you pledge to donate all electric utility campaign contributions to charity and reject any future donations from regulated electric utilities?
Some Dos:
- Do speak as an Ohioan, a consumer, a concerned ratepayer
- Do tell us where you live
- Do speak directly into the camera
- Do tell us how you feel about the House Bill 6 scandal and culture of corruption in Ohio
- Do keep your recorded portion to less than 30 seconds
- Do feel free to record your video on your phone or computer, inside or outside, as long as the audio is clear
Some Don’ts:
- Do not say DeWine needs to be voted out of office
- Do not say DeWine should be arrested
- Do not endorse any political candidate for Governor or another office
Once recorded, you can upload your videos here.