Last year, Ohioans voted overwhelmingly to enshrine reproductive freedom in the state constitution when we passed Issue 1, but the fight for full bodily autonomy is not over.
Whomever is elected to the Ohio Supreme Court this November will decide the future of reproductive freedom in our state.
We must elect Supreme Court candidates who will protect abortion access. Those candidates are Melody Stewart, Michael Donnelly and Lisa Forbes.
Justice Melody Stewart is currently a judge on the Ohio Supreme Court and the first Black woman elected to any statewide office in Ohio. With over 30 years of legal experience, including teaching law, practicing as a lawyer, and 12 years on the State Court of Appeals, Stewart is highly regarded for her legal expertise. She earned the Ohio Bar Associations highest rating, praised by peers for her fairness, professionalism, and integrity.
Justice Melody Stewart is a fair and independent voice on the Ohio Supreme Court, dedicated to protecting the right to make personal healthcare decisions, including abortion access. Re-electing Stewart means keeping a strong and compassionate leader on the court, one who stands for justice, independence, and the well-being of all Ohioans, no matter their background.
Justice Michael Donnelly is committed to protecting the personal freedom of Ohioans to make their own healthcare decisions, including access to abortion. He believes that government should respect individual rights and stay out of personal choices that affect families. Re-electing Donnelly means keeping abortion decisions where they belong, between individuals and their doctors, not in the hands of politicians or bureaucrats.
Judge Lisa Forbes is a judge on the Ohio Court of Appeals, with 27 years of legal experience in Ohio courtrooms at every level. The first in her family to go to college, she earned scholarships to attend Cornell University and graduated with honors from Case Western Reserve University School of Law. Forbes has received top ratings from local bar associations and praise for her deep understanding of appellate law. She also serves on nonprofit boards focused on helping children and improving healthcare. Forbes believes the Ohio Supreme Court must uphold the law while protecting individual rights, ensuring that justice is fair and efficient for all.
Judge Lisa Forbes is committed to standing up for Ohioans and protecting our right to make personal healthcare decisions, including the right to abortion. She knows that families should have the freedom to make the best choices for themselves, free from government interference. By electing Forbes to the Ohio Supreme Court, we can uphold the will of voters and make sure that healthcare decisions stay between individuals and their doctors, not in the hands of politicians who want to take away our rights.