New Facts Demand Investigation
We continue to organize communities around the state to address climate change and build a clean energy economy, and...
We're calling for reform at the PUCO
FirstEnergy will refund customers more than $306 million after a long fight over the way it calculates rates and profits.
Our executive director Rachael Belz says this is further proof the PUCO needs to be reformed in order to prioritize consumers.
Belz says reform should include more consumer input, more transparency in the decision-making process, and better consumer representation on the commission.
Shocking new revelation of text exchange between FirstEnergy executives details favors delivered by Sam Randazzo
Former PUCO Chairman Sam Randazzo lobbied lawmakers to include a provision in the 2019 state budget that saved FirstEnergy millions of dollars, according to texts from FirstEnergy executives Chuck Jones and Michael Dowling.
State law requires utilities to demonstrate to the PUCO every year that their earnings aren’t “significantly excessive.” The law doesn’t define the term and leaves it to PUCO to determine via a “significantly excessive earnings test” (SEET). Thanks to Sam Randazzo, the 2019 budget changed this formula to protect utilities structured like FirstEnergy from issuing PUCO-ordered consumer refunds.
We won't stop until we repeal all of HB6
We continue to work to repeal the OVEC coal plant bailouts that are rooted in HB 6 corruption. Please contribute and help us repeal this corrupt law once and for all.
Thanks for sticking with us!
Ohio Citizen Action