Critics take aim at HB 6 coal subsidies
COLUMBUS (OCJ) –– "Last summer, federal authorities arrested then-House Speaker Larry Householder, R-Glenford, and four associates in connection with the effort to pass HB 6. U.S. Attorney David M. DeVillers said it was 'likely the largest bribery and money-laundering scheme ever in the state of Ohio.'
Despite outrage over the scandal, the Republican-controlled legislature last year didn’t manage to send a repeal of HB 6 to Gov. Mike DeWine.
This year, however, efforts to repeal the nuclear bailout and FirstEnergy’s revenue guarantees appear to have momentum. One has passed out of committee and the other has passed the Senate.
But the three bills aimed at getting rid of the coal subsidies? Not so much. Each has been assigned to a committee, but none has had a hearing."
–– Marty Schladen, Ohio Capital Journal (OCJ)