BG ending moratorium on electric shutoffs

Downtown Bowling Green, Ohio as seen from the intersection of Main St. and Wooster St.

Downtown Bowling Green, Ohio as seen from the intersection of Main St. and Wooster St.
BOWLING GREEN -- "[Utilities Director Brian] O’Connell said that shutoffs for non-payments would start in the first pay of July.

However, the BPU has approved a three-month payment plan that could be set up; in the past, customers could seek a one-month payment plan to catch up on past charges. He said that right now the plan is to contact relevant customers and notify them this month of the policy changes and how to make payment plans.

O’Connell said that shutoffs would only affect electrical, and not water, service. The state of Ohio, he said, has a ban in place on shutoffs for water customers and added that typically the city doesn’t do water shutoffs.

Also at the June 15 meeting, Council President Mark Hollenbaugh said that the body’s next meeting, on July 6, will be the first meeting in months during which the public will have an opportunity to physically attend."
