This summer our field canvass offices in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Toledo are all working to register Ohio voters for the November election and beyond.

The issues and candidates on the ballot this November will determine the future of environmental policy and election policy in Ohio.

Make sure your vote counts by checking if you're on the voter purge list

Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced his plans to delete thousands of eligible Ohio voters from the rolls just two months before voting starts for the November election.

The Ohio Secretary of State's office has released the names of voters who are being removed from Ohio's voter database. To find out if you are on the voter registration removal list,  go to and enter your name. If your name does not appear on the list, your registration is up-to-date.

Anyone purged must re-register by the October 7. deadline. Check your status now!

Check your voter registration

This November it's crucial that every voice is heard and every vote is counted. Ensuring your registration is up-to-date is easy.

Make a plan to vote in the November election

Early In-Person Voting: October 8 and includes the two Saturdays and the two Sundays before Election Day.

Absentee Voting By Mail: Begins October 8

Election Day: November 5 (Polls Open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.) If not returned by mail, absentee ballots must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m.